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Monthly Milestone Memories

Writer's picture: Leah VizganLeah Vizgan

Updated: Jun 13, 2019

Track your baby's highlights every month of their first year plus get examples of what to write. Keep track of major achievements and developmental milestones, including your little one's first smile, first steps, first words, first haircut, rolling over, sitting up, standing, walking and more. A lifetime of memories to share with family and friends and your kids when the get big.

I'm One Month Old

I love.... taking baths

I can... Sleep for 5 1/2 hours

Today is (Date)

I weigh 11 pounds

I stand 22.5 inches tall

I have 0 teeth

Welcome to our world! Life has new meaning and I'm so thankful.

I can't believe our baby is 1 month old today!! She has already done so much in these 4 short weeks of life. I love this little human soooo much! She's the only one that will ever hear my heartbeat from the inside.. I REPEAT.. THE ONLY ONE!! Her personality has already developed and she is cooing my head off in the mornings. She smiles when I kiss on her (now) and she seems to be somewhat attached to me (for now). So grateful you chose us to be your parents! My heart is really FULL (and so are my hands lol).

I'm Two Months Old

I love.... Cooing

I can... Smile

Today is (Date)

I weigh 12 pounds

I stand 23 inches tall

I have 0 teeth

Time is flying and I’ve been pretty busy this past month. I’m sleeping in my own room, as a matter of fact, I sleep from 5 1/2 hours to up to 8 1/2 straight at night... Mommy thinks it’s because she sleep trained me but I think I’m just a good baby. I don’t like pacifiers, I much rather have mommy nurse me for comfort. I’m exclusively breastfed and enjoying every minute of the day with mommy. I love smiling and I can coo really loud, which always makes mommy and daddy laugh. I also found out I have yummy hands and I finally have better neck control, however, I only like tummy time if it’s on mommy’s chest. Yay to being 2 months old!

My sweet baby is 2 months old today... she is 10.7lbs and 22inches long... she is extremely active and keeping me on my toes. She likes to kick her legs, stand on mommy and daddy (not sit), listen to Bob Marley, and talk on the phone with my mom LOL. I love my little cabbage patch doll to pieces.. enjoying watching her grow! 💕☺

I'm Three Months Old

I love.... boobies

I can... roll over

Today is (Date)

I weigh 15 pounds

I stand 24 inches tall

I have 0 teeth

Yay to the big 3 months! I have outgrown a drawerful of tiny outfits, my cheeks have filled out, and my body has lengthened. I still sleep for long stretches in the night and greet mommy in the morning with a happy grin, however, I went through a few days of an early sleep regression but hopefully that’s behind us. I yawn really loud and get fussy when I’m tired. I chew on pacifiers and spit them out, but I’m becoming more open to them during nap time! I smile and coo very often and I love playing in my little gym! When mommy puts me on my tummy I quickly turn over onto my back because I love staring at the wooden ceiling! During bath time I like to suck on up to 4 fingers at a time.. I’m growing fast and mommy and daddy will miss the newborn me

Now introducing, FANCY JANE🎀 aka Fussy Jane. She turned 3 months old. She likes to:

  • Sing with mommy

  • Smile at herself in the mirror

  • Talk and squeal loudly

  • Roll over

  • Look at everything but the back of her eyelids

  • Loves eating her hands ALL DAY!

  • If you smile at her, she loves to smile back!

  • Enjoys playing her little piano!

  • Grabbing things, mainly my hair 😩

I enjoy watching her grow! She gets heavier every morning! I can't wait to see what she does this month.. 💕💕

I'm Four Months Old

I love.... chewing things

I can... grab toys

Today is (Date)

I weigh 17 pounds

I stand 26 inches tall

I have 0 teeth

My baby is 4 months old today but in her head she thinks she's at least 1.

She now:

  • Rolls over

  • Gets on all 4's and rock back and forth (crawling next?)

  • Loves to chew on her hands, my hands, daddy's hands, and anything else that comes near her mouth

  • Loves to SCREAM like a school girl at a Justin Bieber concert! She wakes daddy up screaming lol

  • Loves to break her neck to watch whatever is on the TV

  • Practice chewing (I'm waiting on her to grab my plate)

This girl picks up a new skill daily and she doesn't seem like she is interested in slowing down... I love watching her grow and also cry watching her grow... she was just an itty bitty sleeping baby what seems like yesterday but now she is much bigger and full of personality! I LOVE THIS GIRL! HAPPY 4 Months!

I'm Five Months Old

I love.... cooing

I can... suck my feet

Today is (Date)

I weigh 18 pounds

I stand 28 inches tall

I have 0 teeth

My baby turned 5 months old. She is 25inches and 14.34lbs (as of a few weeks ago).. she loves to smile, babble, scream, scoot, grab faces, hair, and my iPhone 🤦🏽‍♀️... she's in her fun stage now and I'm loving it ❤

I'm Six Months Old

I love.... playing

I can... sit up

Today is (Date)

I weigh 19 pounds

I stand 28 inches tall

I have 0 teeth

I’m finally six months which is a big deal around here because I’ll finally start solids! I love playing with mommy’s hair while trying to sleep, I can sit up, turn in circles during tummy time and I love smiling for the camera, as you can see.

Why does mommy have this tutu and ignorant bow on my head? Me: YOU'RE 6 MONTHS OLD!!!

My baby turned 6 months old! I can't believe how fast a half a year went by with my baby girl. She is 15.8lbs and 27 1/2 inches! She has zero interest in being a baby and I'm starting to accept it 💔.

She is now sitting up, pulling herself up to stand, climbing stairs, TEETHING FOR REAL, saying "mama" and "bye bye"❤️ Can't wait to see what she has in store for us this month ☺️

I'm Seven Months Old

I love.... saying Mommy

I can... flip

Today is (Date)

I weigh 20.5 pounds

I stand 29 inches tall

I have 4 teeth

Hi, I’m 7 months and I just got back from Florida, where I was visiting my grandparents. I’ve been eating solids for a full month now and I’m loving all the new flavors, I learned to sip water from a straw cup but I prefer an open cup. I got my ears pierced as you can see and I’m outgrowing lots of clothes. I went from having no teeth to four now (3 on top, and one on the bottom). I had my first fever ever, thanks to my mom catching the flu. I recently discovered I can flip from back to belly and back again. The biggest highlight of the month is my ability to say mamma! I can also say other words like babba, bubba and a few others mommy can’t quite make up what it is! I must admit, it’s been a fun and busy month for me!

My baby is now 7 months old. She now likes to climb the stairs. Practice standing up (ALL DAY LONG). Have people looking crazy singing "Baby Shark" in public to stop her from crying. She enjoys running in the back of my heels in her walker and SO MUCH MORE! I LOVE THIS GIRL!💞💕💖

I'm Eight Months Old

I love.... mango

I can... crawl cammando

Today is (Date)

I weigh 23 pounds

I stand 29 inches tall

I have 5 teeth

8 months of me ❤️ Im off the charts for weight and in the ___ percentile for height- I love eating mango more than any other fruit, I’ve been working hard at crawling but so far I can only crawl commando (dragging my belly on the floor backwards). I've become quite talkative and I throw mini fits when mom takes something away from me. I smile at everyone that smiles at me.

My Babygirl turned 8 months old! She finally has two teeth! Can stand for a full minute. Says Hi and Hey now (I taught her) lol. Points to the light. Loves water and French toast. Enjoys kissing herself in the mirror and LOVES to smile and laugh❤️

I'm Nine Months Old

I love.... to wave hi and bye

I can... clap hands

Today is (Date)

I weigh 24 pounds

I stand 73 cm tall

I have 6 teeth

I’m 9 months and things have been pretty busy around here with family so mommy is posting this picture a few days late. I love waving hi and bye and saying bye bye. I can clap my hands when told and spoken to. I say “baba” and "mama". I gave up army crawling and learned how to crawl properly! Oh and just yesterday I started pulling myself up on furniture! Mommy and daddy are so proud of me! ❤️💚💛💙 #(baby's name)chart (11 kilos)

Happy 9 months to my baby girl. She's walking 😱 and talking more and has two teeth up top! I'm guessing she will be running next month... stay tuned ❤️

I'm Ten Months Old

I love.... to point to the light

I can... Walk while holding on

Today is (Date)

I weigh 24 pounds

I stand 73 cm tall

I have 6 teeth

Our babygirl turned 10 months old 😱... 2months short of a year old 😩. This girl is growing right before my eyes! She loves to dance now.. even when we are watching tv and she hears background music😂. She loves playing chase even thought we aren't chasing her. She thinks she can run 😂. She's saying so many random words now (dog, hot, bye, hi, yeah, mom, dad, and more). Can't wait to see what she does this month! ❤️❤️❤️

My baby turned 11 months old today.. my brain can’t even process how time really does fly! I’m about to have a ONE YEAR OLD 😱... she is doing THE MOST so I don’t even have time to update you on milestones.. 😩.. I love her to pieces

ATTENTION: I HAVE A ONE YEAR OLD 😱😱 Happy Birthday to my beautiful baby girl who has changed our lives in so many ways. So grateful for so many reasons. I never knew a little person would teach me so much about myself! You have exposed our strengths and weaknesses and made your mom and dad better individuals! Thank you for being yourself, you’re the best baby I could ever ask for, you amaze me with something new each and every day and keep a smile on everyone’s faces!!! .... I LOVE You and can’t wait to see what this year has in store for you!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ❤️

“2 GROWN 2 BE 2” wishing my babygirl a HAPPY 2nd BIRTHDAY!! So glad to have you in our lives, you continue to grow and teach us new things about life and priorities. You make us want more for ourselves just so we can give it all to you! I love watching you blossom into your own person! You know what you want and you go after it (even after mommy tells you No) 😂. Keep being you baby girl, you’re going places and I’m enjoying the ride! (I just need a little nap) 😂 WE LOVE YOU!!!!

Happy 3rd birthday to my princess!!! This little girl has no idea how happy she has made me since she came into this world! I'm beyond blessed to be her mommy and to be able to watch this amazingly beautiful little girl grow! Yesterday she had an amazing time dressed up as Snow White at her Disney Princess birthday party. Thank you all who came out to celebrate ...we love you all😘😘😘



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